2021.03 - 2021.06 (4 Months)



Stock information service that visualizes past stock charts through sentiment analysis

Rewind was conducted as an industry-academia collaboration project with NH Investment & Securities in a system design course. It was carried out under the theme of designing a lifestyle fintech service for a better society. In this project, we proposed a new service aimed at helping individual investors understand economic trends and movements in the stock market.

Rewind received iF Design Award 2022 Winner- Communication.


Mobile Application
Design Concept Video

Team project

4 Designers
(Contribution 25%)

My Contribution

User Research
UX Flow & Interface Design
Video editing

Tools & Materials

Figma, After Effects

User Research: Literature review, Interview

Problem Define

Problem Define

To become a good investor, it is important to read overall market flow.

01. Understanding stock

01. Understanding stock

market flow

market flow

is important.

is important.

Recent Empirical Work has shown that

the announcement of a stock issue is associated

with a drop in the corresponding share price.

Recent Empirical Work has shown that the announcement of a stock issue is associated with a drop in the corresponding share price.

P. Asquith and D.W. Mullins. “Equity Issues and Offering Dilution.”

Journal of Financial Economics 15. Forthcoming, 1986

P. Asquith and D.W. Mullins.

“Equity Issues and Offering Dilution.”

Journal of Financial Economics 15. Forthcoming, 1986

P. Asquith and D.W. Mullins. “Equity Issues and Offering Dilution.”

Journal of Financial Economics 15. Forthcoming, 1986

Analyzing information flows in financial market

enables understanding complex stock interaction

and pricing processes.

Analyzing information flows in financial market enables understanding complex stock interaction and pricing processes.

Eom, Cheoljun. “A Study for Time Dependence of Information Flow

between Stocks and New Alternative Approach in Stock Markets”

Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, Vol.9, No.3, June 2007, p.1251

Eom, Cheoljun. “A Study for Time Dependence of Information Flow

between Stocks and New Alternative Approach in Stock Markets”

Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, Vol.9, No.3, June 2007, p.1251

02. Reviewing

02. Reviewing

patterns of past stock charts

patterns of past stock charts

help understand current market flow.

help understand current market flow.

Stock graph patterns repeat, thus it is important for investors to always review what happened in past stock market.

03. Existing services do not provide

03. Existing services do not provide

past qualitative information

past qualitative information

and are confined to numbers.

and are confined to numbers.

Majority of services show past data of companies with stock charts , but only give data confined to numbers such as price, tradings, or investor proportions.

Majority of services show past data of companies with stock charts , but only give data confined to numbers such as price, tradings, or investor proportions.

📚 Desk Research

Difficult to learn about past issues

I search via many online platforms including Youtube and news orgs, but it’s very frustrating. I need a all-in-one information channel.

I search via many online platforms including Youtube and news orgs, but it’s very frustrating. I need a all-in-one information channel.

👨🏻 Interview, 28, 김00

Difficult to gather

and categorize information

Difficult to gather

and categorize information

Difficult to gather and categorize information

There aren’t any services that provide information on society flow or incidents that made the stock price to change.

There aren’t any services that provide information on society flow or incidents that made the stock price to change.

📚 Desk Research

Difficult to analyze

what issues affected stock price

Difficult to analyze what issues affected stock price

04. Individual investors

04. Individual investors

rarely understand

rarely understand

the stock market flow.

the stock market flow.

📚 Desk Research

Investors lack knowledge of overall economy and companies

Investors lack knowledge of

overall economy and companies

I only have a brief idea of what happened in past. It’s hard to look for detailed information, or think about overall society flow that might have affected the chart.

I only have a brief idea of what happened in past. It’s hard to look for detailed information, or think about overall society flow that might have affected the chart.

👦🏻 Interview, 21, 채00

Lack of knowledge to relate social, economic flow

and stock prices

Lack of knowledge to relate

social, economic flow and stock prices

Lack of knowledge to relate social, economic flow and stock prices



“ I want to study stock charts. But current services
only show me numbers that I couldn’t understand.”

“ I want to study stock charts. But current services only show me numbers that I couldn’t understand.”

“ I want to study stock charts. But current services only show me numbers that I couldn’t understand.”

Writer, 31, Jane Peterson

Problem & Solution

Problem & Solution

Difficult Terms




stock charts through issues and public sentiment

Johan Bollen, “Twitter mood predicts the stock market”

While studying past stock charts and its patterns is necessary to understand market flow, current services provide contents confined to numbers and difficult financial terms.

So, we want to provide new way of learning stock charts and experiencing market flow through sentiment analysis *

Design Goal

Design Goal

To design a service that helps people understand market flow through relating social economic flow to stock prices, especially based on public sentiment toward issues.

Social Flow
Public Sentiment

Social Flow,
Public Sentiment











Social Flow

Public Sentiment

Existing Services

Quantitative Data

based on Number and Price

difficult to understand for ordinary people

focusing on rise and fall of price brings more anxiety

limited to short-term number games

What we will provide

Qualitative Information
based on Socio-Economic Issues

relatable to daily lives of ordinary people

helps understand the long term market movements

cultivate healthy investing culture

Design Rationals

Design Rationals

Issue bubbles are created through extraction, categorization and visualization.

Issue bubbles are created through extraction, categorization and visualization.

Issue bubbles are created through extraction, categorization and visualization.

Service Blueprint

Service Blueprint

Sentiment Chart & Issues

  • Users can learn top ranked issues in selected period through title and sentiment gradient.

  • By scrolling through charts, users get an idea of public sentiments in each period through changing colors.

Issue Details

  • Users get detailed information on each issue.

  • Detailed information include related articles, public reactions and related issues.

Scrap Book

  • Users can look through details of issues they saved, reviewing what they have learned.

  • Self/Public reactions are shown together

Design System

Design System

Rewind the chart. Rewind the world.

Rewind the chart. Rewind the world.

[1] By rewinding past graphs and issues, user can develop an eye for stock price trend by exploring industrial atmosphere, macroeconomic, and public sentiment
[2] Slogan means that by Rewind reminding past issues, users can rewind, explore, and enhance financial literacy.



Angry #C80000
Angry #C80000
Happy #FCCB1F
Happy #FCCB1F
Sad #2C5099
Sad #2C5099
Calm #6EA84E
Calm #6EA84E
[1] Four intuitive colors were selected to represent each emotion, based on existing contents and stereotypes.
[2] Color gradients are placed behind the chart to show changing public sentiment.



Navigate Bar
Tab bar
Emotion Tag
Emotion Button