2022.02 - 2022.07 (6 Months)




Counseling management service for mental health therapists

Amondy is an early-stage startup that provides a web service for counseling log and schedule management tailored for psychotherapists. I worked here as a UX researcher and Product Owner for six months.

I conducted UX research to establish personas, identify key service features, and define user flows. Additionally, usability tests were conducted to validate the features of the service.

From the MVP(Minimum viable product) of amondycare, the flagship product for individual mental health therapists offering features like counseling schedule management and logging counseling sessions, I designed a comprehensive suite of services. This expanded to include B2B services for counseling centers, incorporating features such as integrated schedules for multiple mental health therapists, client management, and revenue tracking. Additionally, I designed the landing page for amondycare↗ to attract new customers.

Amondy is an early-stage startup that provides a web service for counseling log and schedule management tailored for psychotherapists. I worked here as a UX researcher and Product Owner for six months.

I conducted UX research to establish personas, identify key service features, and define user flows. Additionally, usability tests were conducted to validate the features of the service.

From the MVP(Minimum viable product) of amondycare, the flagship product for individual mental health therapists offering features like counseling schedule management and logging counseling sessions, I designed a comprehensive suite of services. This expanded to include B2B services for counseling centers, incorporating features such as integrated schedules for multiple mental health therapists, client management, and revenue tracking. Additionally, I designed the landing page for amondycare↗ to attract new customers.

Amondy is an early-stage startup that provides a web service for counseling log and schedule management tailored for psychotherapists. I worked here as a UX researcher and Product Owner for six months.

I conducted UX research to establish personas, identify key service features, and define user flows. Additionally, usability tests were conducted to validate the features of the service.

From the MVP(Minimum viable product) of amondycare, the flagship product for individual mental health therapists offering features like counseling schedule management and logging counseling sessions, I designed a comprehensive suite of services. This expanded to include B2B services for counseling centers, incorporating features such as integrated schedules for multiple mental health therapists, client management, and revenue tracking. Additionally, I designed the landing page for amondycare↗ to attract new customers.


Web Application

UX/UI Design



1 UX Researcher & Product Owner (Me)
1 Developer
1 UI Designer


Market & User Research
UX Flow, Prototyping
Usability Test

Tools & Materials

Figma, Adobe Creative Suites

User Research: Survey, Interview, Thematic analysis

Usability Test: Video analysis, Thematic analysis.



Amondy was an early-stage startup consisting of three members. To facilitate the concentration of psychotherapists on counseling, UX research was conducted to identify and design a product that meets their needs.

Additionally, analysis was performed on the extended system for center-level use, determining its features and how they align with the company's business model.



From February to April, we developed the MVP, and from May to June, we improved the MVP and launched the service for the center. Afterwards, in July, we created a landing page for the full-fledged service promotion.

Down below is the process of how we developed our minimum viable product.

Market Research

Market Research

Current methods/services used by domestic psychological counselors in Korea.

Absence of counseling scheduling and client management services

with good accessibility and guaranteed security.

Absence of counseling scheduling and client management services

with good accessibility and guaranteed security.

Survey & In-depth Interview

Survey & In-depth Interview

Survey for psychological counselors was conducted to investigate the problem they are facing. 35 counselors answered to the survey. All 35 individuals were not utilizing EHR software, and the counseling environment ws significantly outdated, with most client information being managed manually.
I conducted in-depth interviews with 20 out of the 35 individuals with Zoom for an hour. I transcribed the interviews and conducted thematic analysis. As a result, I was able to identify various issues such as confusion or loss of client information, insufficient understanding of clients before starting counseling, and other problems.

"Inefficient information sharing methods and inadequate education systems
ultimately act as factors that degrade the quality of psychological counseling."

"Inefficient information sharing methods and inadequate education systems ultimately act as factors that degrade the quality of psychological counseling."

"Inefficient information sharing methods and inadequate education systems
ultimately act as factors that degrade the quality of psychological counseling."



UX Flow

UX Flow

Conventional counseling flow
Use case:
1. Upon receiving a client application form, when a counselor is assigned:
  • New client information is registered.
  • Counselor reviews the new client.
  • Client management registration.
  • Coordination of counseling schedule with the client.
2. When a counselor is assigned after receiving a new client application form:
  • Customized application form is sent to the new client.
  • Progress of application is informed via the web.
  • Notification is sent to the counselor upon arrival of the application form from the client.
  • Integrated into client management.
  • Coordination of counseling schedule with the client.

Usability test

Usability test

Usability testing was conducted with 6 counselors who best fit the target audience for the service, based on interviews. It was conducted via Zoom for an hour. As I used “Think-a-loud protocol”, participants’ utterances were transcribed. Individual feedbacks were also collected.
UI/UX design work for the official service has been completed based on the feedback received during the user testing.
All 6 respondents indicated that our service is more convenient compared to the system they are currently using.
Overall, they provided positive feedback such as "I think this is much more convenient", "It feels more simplified, so I think I'll use it often", "The program is very clean and includes many features that I find necessary, which is amazing and great", "I've participated in interviews for many services, but I've never said I would use one, because others are too complicated. However, for the first time, I really want to try using this one."

